Interactive Site

13 05 2011

Interactive site: Super Awsome Space People


  • Easy to use
  • Simple
  • Enjoyable
  • Good navigation
  • Directions were simple and easy to understand
Based on the data that we collected from two test subjects the overall feedback was positive. There were no complaints and they seemed to enjoy the website. The feedback that we mainly received was that it was easy to use and simple. They understood navigation of the website after a few seconds after opening the page. Overall we concluded that the functionality of the website was great and the only improvements that we could made was the visual aspects. The website is based around a interactive journey through space so for the design we stuck with a spaceship theme. There were some minor visual flaws which was barley noticeable. With some polishing of the dimensions, header, and some minor tweaks it can create a better interactive experience.

Graphic Organizer

10 04 2011

Site Planning Article

10 04 2011

Planning a Website: Tips and considerations

-Plan your site on paper

  • Carefully map out the site architecture
  • Draw sections and routes of navigation between pages


  • Screen size
  • File types
  • Font
  • Compatibility
  • Navigation: How will the user move between pages?
  • Domain: Will a domain name need to be registered?
  • Host: Where will the site be hosted?

-Screen size

  • Different viewers will visit your website using monitors with different screen resolutions.

-Image formats: JPEGs and GIFs

  • File types will depend on the type of information
  • JPEG files are good for saving photographic information but remeber that there will be some loss of quality when saving.
  • GIF files are good for recording solid areas of color information and can be used to record transparency and animations


  • When designing your site you should stay within the font families of serif, sans serif, or Monotype.
  • The most common mothod to specify font size is to give a value of between 1 adn 7, where 1 is the smallest and 7 is the largest, with size 3 being equivalent to 12pt.

-Cascasing style sheets

  • Style sheets can control font, background images, image positions, and text alignment.

-Compatibility: Different browsers and platforms

  • Different computers and different browsers will all affect how the web page is displayed.

Redesign Website

9 03 2011

How does the design reflect and support the purpose of the site?
(think about color, image)


The original site had many pictures related to science but was cluttered, distracting, and had bad quality.

  • For the banner I chose a picture that would catch people’s attention and relate to the topic of the site but be simple enough that it wouldn’t be too distracting. 
  • I also included a logo for the website that would symbolize the topic of science/evolution.
  • For the background of the actual website I chose a picture with repetition of stars in space. But I made sure that there was a black background behind the white text to make sure viewers could read the text.


The original site used a dark background but bright colors which would be distracting.

  • I mainly focused on the color black and white for the website besides the pictures.
  • I used white text and a black background which would create contrast and create a calm atmosphere.

Which of the 4 principles is most clearly evident? Explain their use.


  • I used white text and a black background to create contrast.



  • I aligned the navigational links towards the top of the site.
  • I aligned the text.
  • I aligned the connections/advertisements
  • I aligned the about me, connections, and main text body groups

This helped make the website more organized and less cluttered which will help the viewer navigate the website.


  • Many of the objects and text were in equal proximity.

What 2 ideas did you uncover because of this task?

  • I learned that just by rearanging the website can help it become more organized.
  • You can use a part of a picture rather than the whole picture to make it look different.

Dear, Mr.Bartlet

22 02 2011

Dear, Mr.Bartlet

Thank you for taking the time today to watch our presentation. Spank Swimming has lots of potential to become very succesful. But you just need to get on the right track. We spent hours evaluating your current website and various hosting services. We came down to the conclusion that Ipage would be the best hosting service for you. The current price for the I page hosting service is $4.50 (special price) but is usually $9.50. Compared to the other hosting services this price is very cheap and afordable. The two main points that we believe that you should focus on for your website was ecomerence and your web design layout and apperance. Ipage provides you with an online shopping, paypal shopping cart, and a free online store. It also provides you with many web design tools such as two site builders, photo galleries, free script, and a google custom search. There is a full list of all of the features on the Ipage website I hope we helped you understand how to make your website even more succesful!

Thank you for your time,

Alex Ishida

Homework blog

9 02 2011

Does your home have Internet access?


What do ISP’s  actually provide?

The internet service providers provide the customer with access to the internet.

What do they promise/guarantee?

Stable internet access.

What does that mean?

It means that they will provide a stable and reliable acess to the internet.

What happens if it fails?

If it fails you wouldn’t be able to access the internet.

Analyze the Product and Process

4 02 2011


How well does it fulfill it’s purpose?

List & describe characteristics

  • Created a web page
  • Included picture of location
  • Included what our situation was

What’s not there?

  • Did not include picture of us or any information of who we were
  • Did not include instructions to our location

How ‘good’ is the HTML?

List & describe characteristics

  • HTML page had a banner type header
  • Included two pages
  • Simple page
  • Background color
  • Font size
  • Font color
  • Included two links
  • Centered Text

What’s not there?

  • There aren’t many navigation options
  • Does not look like an actual web page, more like a document


What did you notice about ‘how’ you and your partner worked?

  • We worked well together, we chose what we would focus on and worked on it until we figured out the code and then showed it to each other and used it in the final product.
  • I worked on figuring out the main important codes such as the header, picture, link, etc.
  • I spent most of the time working on the notepad working on the final product but made sure that my partner would understand how all of the codes were working.

What’s your hunch about your personal ‘problem solving’ style

  • If something is not working or were stuck on a problem I would search on the internet to try to solve the problem. For example if we weren’t able to figure out how to change the size of the text I would search ‘html how to change font size’ or something similar.


  • It is fast and easy to find an answer
  • Pretty reliable information


  • Sometimes the website you find may not include the information that you were looking for
  • Websites may include other information that could confuse you

World Wide Web Analogy

25 01 2011

The world wide web is to the internet as ferrari is to cars.